Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hawaii Day 6 Part 2 ~ Magic Island

After the Dole Plantation, we headed back to Waikiki for a picnic with Ruthie. It was a beautiful night! Ruthie and Hannah brought yummy burgers and hot dogs! We grilled and had chips! Braxton had a great time with his new friends, as you can see! Thanks Ruthie and Hannah for a great night!!!
The girls didn't go with us this night, they decided to wander Waikiki on their own, I think they had a great time!

It was such a pretty night that I really thought we would get some great sunset pictures, but a cloud moved in. Bummer. But we did get some good ones!

Genny and Ralf came with the kids. They had a great time running around until Lilly fell and hurt her hand. It was a very minor injury, but we heard about it the rest of the night! After dark, Hannah was catching sand crabs. She was amazingly fast! Here are some more pictures of that night.

Diamond Head at night!

Our cool moon shot!

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