Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Polar Plunge Video

Thanks Jon for the Video. Thanks Ryan the videographer.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Newest Member of our Family!

Last night, the kids decided they wanted to get a new fish. We have had bettas in the past, but our last one died about a year ago. They picked a beautiful purple/blue/red male. They have named him Freddy (Braxton's pick) Nemo (Lilly's pick) Fish (Lilly again). So Braxton calls him Freddy and Lilly calls him Nemo fish. Lilly has spent most of the morning watching him. She likes to make fish faces and tell us when he is swimming. It is cute!

Polar Bear Plunge 2009

Yesterday was the Polar Plunge for the Special Olympics, it was the coldest day. The wind was miserable! There were a lot more plungers than last year. You can read about it here

I plunged with Maria (who got me started last year), her husband Seth, Emily, Jena, and Jon. It was so cold and slick! I actually slipped in the water trying to get out to the flag! Yesterday I would have told you that it was miserable, but at the same time I was making plans to not wear socks next year. Socks just sort of suction to your legs and are really hard to get off! It was fun! I don't know if the girls will agree, but I thought so! I will be doing it again next year!

Jumping into the water!

Coming out of the water, I was so WET!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Go Jump in a Lake!


On Saturday, I will once again be jumping into a frozen lake for the Special Olympics of Nebraska. It looks like the high is going to be 30 degrees, so it should be nice and cold! I'm not nearly as scared this year, because I know what to expect. But on the other hand, I know how cold it is going to be. But it is so much fun! I have a "crew" that I am going with this year, 3 people from Kidwell and Maria (that I jumped with last year) and her husband. It should be fun! I plan to get there earlier this year so that we can get better pictures.

There is still time to donate if you want...and you can do it online!
Hopefully I will have some great pictures to share by Saturday afternoon! Wish me luck!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Crazy Weather!

Earlier this week I posted pictures of the kids playing outside on the swings. As I write this, it is snowing. Possibly the biggest snowstorm of the season. Only in Nebraska.

Best Birthday!

It has been a few days since my birthday, but I haven't posted. Why you ask? Well, it seemed a little self centered to write about my own birthday. I thought about it for a few days and realized that the purpose of my blog is to let people know what is going on in our lives, and that includes me, not just the kids. So here we go!

I had a Great birthday! I woke up to a beautiful card made by the kids. The kids got me the new RENT dvd and a book light (I love to read at night, this way I don't keep chad awake with the big lamp). I was so excited for both of them. After that, Braxton looked and chad and asked if there was anything else, and there was. It was a Magic Bullet, the blender thing from on TV. It is so awesome! Maybe one of the best birthday gifts I have ever received! I can't wait to find more things to do with it! My mom and my sister also paid for me to take an online photography class. It starts February 18th and I can't wait!
That night Chad grilled hamburgers (it was 60 degrees!) and we made cream cheese dip in the magic bullet, afterwards we had cake. It was a great day!
The next day I received beautiful flowers from my sister! Thanks Gwen!!!
Since this is my last birthday (After this I will be having anniversaries of 29...) it was great. You guys could not have made it any more special! I love you all!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Kim & Chad

It has been a long time since Chad and I have gotten dressed up and taken a picture. Well, last night was my Christmas party (Yes Christmas, I realize it is February!) for work. Since I spent the time curling my hair, I made Chad take a picture. I thought it turned out pretty good!

Is it Spring already?

Friday after work it was so nice that the kids went outside and played on the fort while Chad and I made dinner. There is nothing better than grilling hamburgers in February!

Saturday, we took the kids to the capital. We missed the guided tour, but we walked around and saw all the cool stuff. That building is amazing!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Note To Self...

Put away the Cherry Carmex.

Here's the story...I went downstairs to help Chad fold clothes. Braxton came down and we noticed a "candy" smell, but didn't think too much of it. I went back upstairs, and the whole living room smells like candy. Come to find out, I had left the cherry carmex where she could reach it. Lilly decided that she needed some carmex all over her face and in her hair. On top of that, he Littlest Pet Shop animals also needed some. They were covered. If you have ever used Carmex, you know how greasy it is. It was not an enjoyable cleanup. So like I said...Note to Self - Keep the Carmex put AWAY!