Monday, August 31, 2009

The Blue Angels!!!

I have always loved the Blue Angels! I'm not sure how many times I have seen them, but I know it has been a few. We decided to head up to Offut this last weekend to see the Blue Angels at the air show! We went with the Master's family and had a great time! Luckily, they decided to stop searching everyone. We stood in line for probably 20 minutes without really moving, then suddenly the line started moving. I guess they decided that the threat of being searched was good enough and they stopped searching each person. We had a great time and stayed maybe an hour and a half which was plenty long for the kiddos! Afterwards we went to the Master's house and watched the planes from the front yard, and then from the neighbors backyard. We had a great time. Unfortunatly, we decided that we didn't want to carry the big camera around the airshow, so we left it at home. We got some pretty good pictures with the little camera though! Thank you guys SO much for sharing your airspace with us. We had a great time! All day yesterday Lilly asked when we were going to go back and see Radley, they had a great time! We need to get together more often.

Chad, Braxton, & Lilly going into one of the airplanes.

Lilly and I up on another airplane.

Chad & Braxton in front of a plane. Braxton was much happier with headphones!

The line to get into "Ralf's Plane".

Braxton & Lilly in front of Uncle Ralf's plane.

This big plane flew over Jodi's house a few times!

The Blue Angels!

Wedding Pictures!

The beach where they got pretty!

Getting ready to say "I Do!"

You may kiss the bride!
Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Ralf Madrigal!

Now it is official!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Congratulations to Geneva and Ralf! They were married today in Hawaii! Hopefully some pictures will be coming soon! We love you guys! Welcome to the family Ralf, David, Sara, and Iris!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First Day of Preschool!

Well, yesterday was Lilly's first day of preschool. For some reason, I could have sworn that it wasn't a real day of school but an open house of sorts. For some reason I decided to check the schedule and the open house was actually the last Thursday, which was also the first day of school for Braxton! I was so scatterbrained that I never even remembered. I felt really bad for missing it, but Lilly didn't seem to mind at all. We dropped Braxton off at school since he starts at 8 and took Lilly to McDonald's for breakfast. Since we still had over 30 minutes before preschool started, we went and walked around a bike path for a little bit. Lilly was SO excited for school. She wanted to go when Braxton did and got a little upset that she had to wait. It is finally time to go to school and she is practically running to the door! I did get her to stop and take a picture though! We walked towards the teacher, I asked her for a hug, she hugged me and darted inside. She was SO excited!

I knew that I might have some problems when it was time to leave though. When we left Braxton's open house last Tuesday, she DID NOT want to leave. She loved her classroom and her school. I got to school to pick her up and she is quickly telling me all of the things they did, I am having a very hard time understanding her because she is so excited! I ask if she is ready to go to Cindy's and she tells me that she doesn't go to Cindy's anymore. (Braxton goes to school and doesn't go to Cindy's so Lilly must not either I guess!) I ask her where she is going to go since I have to go back to work. She says she is going home, she doesn't go to Cindy's anymore. I finally convince her to go to Cindy's and play with her friends, she finally agrees. WHEW! She didn't throw any fits when we got to Cindy's, but wanted to know when she got to go back to school. So I guess school is a success! Let's hope it continues the rest of the year!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Day of Firsts!

Well, we made it through today without any tears! That in itself is an accomplishment. I had really debated whether or not to go with Braxton to his first day of school because he normally cries for me and he very rarely cries for Chad. After much debate, and asking the gals at work for advice, I decided that I had to go. It was his first day of school ever! It went without a hitch. I think Braxton was quite overwhelmed by the number of kids there! His eyes were huge as he watched the older kids. Finally, we were able to go inside where his teacher was waiting. He walked over to her, we said goodbye and off we went. No tears from anybody!
I went to pick him up at noon today and whoa what a line of cars! I got there at 11:45 and was quite a ways back in the line. He finally got in the car around 12:10. He was pretty grumpy and wouldn't really tell me how his day went. As the day went on though, I was able to get more and more information out of him. Turns out he was mad because he had to leave school. After school we went and got him his own library card and checked out some books. Did you know that the library loans out Wii games? I had no idea, but they do! You can check them out for a week at a time. What a great way to play new games!

Tonight was Lilly's first dance class. Afterwards she exclaimed "I Love Dance!" and can't wait to go back. They don't let parents in the classroom, so I only got kind of a picture. She won't show us any of her dance moves because we aren't in dance class right now. She is such a funny girl!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Practicing for the Big Day!

Tomorrow is the big day! Braxton starts kindergarten! we met his teacher last night and he is so excited! We tried on his uniform tonight and he looks so cute! I will post first day pictures tomorrow!!! Wish us luck!!! I hope I am not the only parent crying. :(

Lilly also starts dance tomorrow. She is taking a ballet and tap class. Here she is trying on her "uniform". She loves to tap!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Quotes from this Weekend

"Hey Grandma Mimi, you 'member Braxton? *pause* Where him at?"

Braxton: (After getting in trouble for hitting Lilly.) This went on for quite a little bit while we were all trying to get ready for bed. Sound like anyone we know...Geneva?
"You can't treat me this way. I don't deserve this."