Saturday, January 31, 2009


Lilly has gone to calling Braxton "Bob". She used to call him "ba ba" for brother, and now I guess she has shortened it. Too funny!

Busy Week!

Wow, it has been a busy week at the Dalton house.

Last saturday we were going to take the kids downtown to a special showing of Madagascar. Luck for us, a guy in the parking garage let us know that it was sold out before we walked all the way down there in the bitter cold! Then we decided to go to the Children's Museum instead. The kids LOVE that place. it is great to burn off energy. After the museum we decided to drive to omaha and buy a new TV. Nebraska Furniture Mart was PACKED! and almost every other TV was sold out. Getting ready for the big game I guess.

On Tuesday the kids had their first ever dental appointment. It went so great! Lilly opened her mouth right up and let the doctor count her teeth and brush them. I was so glad, she hates to have her teeth brushed at home. Braxton really wanted an orange toothbrush (orange is his favorite color this week). He ended up with an orange Cars toothbrush. It couldn't have been any better! Thanks Gina for the suggestion of North Star Dental...they are awesome!

Wednesday night Lilly got her hair cut while Braxton was at karate. It is so convenient that they are right next to each other! She was starting to look a little shaggy! now she is back to her cute self.

It has also been a week to work with braxton. his teacher indicated that he has a little problem with sarcasm at school. Now I have no idea where he would have gotten that from =) but we have been working with him on it. He has gotten great reports from his teacher this week!

we hope everyone has a great weekend! it is supposed to be 51 here today, and the kids can't wait to take their bikes outside for the first time!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Thank You Sid!

My kids have discovered Sid the Science Kid on PBS and they both love it! It is a good show that shows the kids different scientific things. The two most recent that I have seen have been about why we need to brush our teeth and why we need to exercise. Brax and Lilly are both so excited about doing both now, it is wonderful!

Thanks Sid & PBS!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Big Beds!

This weekend, we decided it was time to move Lilly to her "big" bed. It is a twin sized captains bed. We got her Littlest Pet Shop sheets and comforter. She loves it! Then, since Lilly got a new comforter, Braxton decided he wanted one too. He used his Christmas gift card from Uncle Andrew and bought a new Cars comforter. We rearranged both of their rooms and got rid of some old toys. It was spring cleaning in the winter time.

Friday, January 16, 2009

A Little Extra Protein...

Last night the kids and I made brownies while Chad was at his fishing meeting. Braxton helped me crack the first egg, and did a great job. Lilly wasn't as patient cracking her egg, but I thought I got all of the egg shell out. After the brownies were cool, I got one for Lilly, Braxton, & Myself. Let's just say, I found the rest of the egg shell. YUCK!
At least it was me, and not one of the kids. :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Just like his Momma...

When we were at the Children's Museum on Saturday, they have a stage with curtains and dress up stuff to put on a play. They also have a "light board" that turns the different colored lights on and off. It was Braxton's favorite part. What can I say, he is just like his momma. Now he just needs a "hat". =)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Children's Museum

These are a few pictures from the Children's Museum this weekend. We decided to buy a pass so that we can go back whenever we want! The kids played for over 2 hours and had a great time! I'm sure we will be back soon!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Years Project

For a while now Chad and I have talked about bringing some color into our house...well this weekend we did it! I love it so much, it looks SO GREAT!!!


Living Room and Wall going downstairs.

Our new rug!!!

Christmas Post

I finally got around to downloading my Christmas pictures, so here you go!
We had a GREAT Christmas season! On Tuesday before Christmas we opened presents with all of Chad's immediate family, the kids had a great time and got some pretty neat stuff!

Christmas Eve we went to St. John's mass at 4:00, the kids were pretty good. For the most part Lilly played with her new Littlest Pet Shop and My Little Pony dolls. After Mass we went to Chad's Aunt and Uncles for Christmas Eve Dinner. Santa came and brought all of the kids a little gift. Braxton was a little confused because Santa came in the front door....and not the chimney. =) Lilly got another My Little Pony and Braxton got a Geo Trax. After all the presents were given out, Braxton had to ask Santa if he would br bringing his bike to his house.

Christmas morning we got up (after I woke Braxton up at 7:45!) and the kids opened their Santa presents and the presents from us. Then we hopped in the van and drove to Alliance for Christmas with Grandma Mimi and Grandpa Mike.

When we got to Alliance, Grandma Mimi had made Corndog Cake for Braxton (which he wouldn't taste) and had gotten Christmas Arby's. (braxton's request)

Friday morning we opened presents, and the kids have more stuff than they will ever need!

One of the big presents that we got was Guitar Hero...By Saturday night Chad has passed the Easy level. I am not so good!

We hope everyone had a great holiday where is Spring???

Lilly getting ready for Church and opening her Christmas Jammies!

Braxton opening Christmas Jammies...thanks Aunt Sue!!!

The best family picture we got.

Braxton got Geo Trax from Santa.

Lilly got a My Little Pony! They both loved Santa this year.

Chad and his Siblings.
Chad, Kathy, Kristi, and Andrew

The whole Dalton Clan.

Too much Christmas Eve fun for Lilly!

Christmas Jammies!
Santa brought Braxton a Green and Black Bike.
Lilly got a purple and pink bike!
Guitar Hero Rockstar!

Another Guitar Hero Rockstar!

Awesome Cars shirt...Thanks Aunt Genny

Lilly LOVES her Minnie Mouse Jammies.
we have to bribe her to take them off.