Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lilly's Field Trip to the Zoo

Tuesday was Lilly's class field trip to the Lincoln Zoo!  She has been so excited for weeks!  She didn't really want me to go, she wanted to go with her friend also named Lillian.  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to go, but Chad was able and had a great time!  Lilly found her friend right off and they walked through the zoo holding hands and having a great time!
They got to ride the train as a class and then sort of went their own way for the rest of the zoo.  Lilly and her friend saw all the animals, including a pretty peacock (the blue one) and an ugly peacock (the white one).  One of the peacocks was hanging out in the pool that will be for the new penguins!  They climbed on the spiderweb and dug for dinosaur bones.  Lilly loved her first field trip and I think Chad had a pretty good time too!
Waiting for the rest of her class!

Climbing the big spider web!  Good thing she has shorts on under her dress!

Digging for dinosaur bones!

Dance Recital!

This weekend was Lilly's first dance recital!  She has been taking a tap and ballet class all year and her class was performing a tap dance called "Radio City Music Hall".  She was so excited that Grandma Mimi and Papa Mike were coming from Alliance, Grandma Rosie and Grandpa Chuck were coming, and Grandma Virginia!  Thank you guys so much for coming!!!
Since I am unable to walk very far, Chad and my mom took Lilly to "call" at 2:30.  Lilly was a little nervous so Grandma Mimi sat with her for a while in the dressing room.  We decided to leave a little bit after that to try and get seats, unfortunately for us, everybody else had the same idea.  We ended up on the TOP row of the auditorium.  Yep, I got to climb up 2 flights of stairs.  Great fun!!!

Lilly was so absolutely adorable!  She danced and shaked her booty and halfway through the dance, she pulled out her "binoculars" (her hands up to her eyes!) to see if she could see us!  Towards the end of the recital they did a photo montage of the year, and one of the pictures was of just Lilly, and it captured her personality perfectly!!!  I am tempted to buy the video just for that picture! 

After the show she kept saying "Did you really see me dance?"  It was adorable!  She is a pretty good little dancer!

Run Away Lilly

On Friday night, as I was sitting in the living room (because I can't do much else these days!!) I heard Lilly ask Chad if she could ride her scooter in the front yard.  Chad told her not right now since they were doing stuff in the back yard.  She marched into her bedroom to pout!
About 5 minutes later, she walked back through the living room with one of my old purses full of panties and one pair of shorts crying.  I asked her where she was going and she said she "just had to get outta here!".  I asked her where she was going and she said somewhere else.  It was hard not to smile because she just looked so sad.
She headed to the garage and opened the door.  When she realized that she couldn't get the garage door open, she was quite unhappy!  I asked her again where she was going and she said "Grandma Mimi's".  I asked how she was going to get there and she just stared at me.  So I pulled out my phone and asked Lilly if she wanted to call Grandma and ask her to come get her. 
So we call Grandma (knowing that they will be at our house the next day) and Lilly asks if she can go live with Grandma.  It was so heartbreaking and yet so adorable at the same time. 
I am sure this isn't the last time that Lilly will run away, but it was a pretty dramatic first try!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


A few weekends ago we did a LOT (and by we, I mean chad!) of yardwork.  Over 1 weekend, we (again, we meaning Chad!) moved 3 tons of material. 
First, 1 ton of sand for the sandbox.  The kids love the sandbox!  Lilly found that she loved worms.  She kept playing with them while Chad was putting the sand in.
Second, 1 ton of potting soil.  Chad was nice enough to build me and the kids a garden box!  It is about 3'x6' and 1' tall.  Some of the potting soil went into the garden box, and the rest went around the foundation of the house just because.  I don't know if you know this or not, but a ton of soil and sand is a LOT of sand and soil.
Third, 1 ton of mulch.  Chad moved rose bushes, pulled weeds and replaced the mulch in the front.  Surprisingly, 1 ton of mulch isn't really that much.  We didn't have any left over!

In our garden, we bought tomatoe, jalepeno, bell pepper and strawberry plants.  We also planted carrot seeds, cucumber seeds, and green bean seeds.  So far everything has sprouted!  We will see what happens!  The kids are so excited to have the plants grow!

Lots Going On!

Whew, has it really been a month since I updated the blog.  There just aren't enough hours in the day!  Here's what we have been up to!
~ Braxton had his field trip on May 12th.  They went to tour a Super Saver grocery store and to see The Princess and the Frog at the Joyo Theatre.  They were supposed to have a picnic but it was cold and rainy, so they ate their lunch in their classroom!

~ Lilly's dance recital is this weekend.  My parents will be here to see it!  She is SO SO cute in her costume.  I will post pictures after the recital.

~Last weekend Chad and Braxton finished up the soccer season.  Chad was the coach.  I think he had a good time but he is glad that it is over!  Braxton doesn't love soccer but he did make a goal one game!

~I have sprained my ankle.  I am really quite irritated about it.  I was meeting Chad for lunch one day and just stepped off of the curb wrong.  Two sprained ankles.  I am really quite a site.  I haven't really left the house since Thursday (May 13th).  I am hoping to go back to work next week, but at this point we will see.  I am relying on Chad for almost everything!  He has been "Mr. Mom" lately and doing a pretty good job.  I don't really enjoy working from home, but I am thankful that I have that option!

~ Lilly's field trip is Tuesday.  Her preschool class is going to the Zoo.  I am so sad because I am pretty sure I won't be able to go with her.  =(  She is so excited to spend the day at the zoo with her friends. 

~Braxton graduates from Kindergarten on Wednesday.  I cannot believe he is almost done with kindergarten.  Where does the time go???  He will be going to the Belmond Community Center this summer and is so excited!  There are a lot of kids from Martyrs going there. 

Well, that pretty much catches you up.  Stay tuned for pictures from graduation and the recital!

here are a few random pictures from the last month!

First Lost Tooth!

Braxton lost his first tooth the other night.  It had been loose for a while and finally he was brave enough to let Chad pull it.  He was still crying how much it hurt after Chad had pulled it!  He was so proud and excited when he left his tooth under his pillow for the toothfairy!