Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Day at the Zoo!

Getting ready to go into the jungle!
One of the jungle monkeys.
Inside the jungle.
Lilly loved this thing!
Under the waterfall.
checking out some fish.
The rays were Braxton's were favorite!
Everybody loves Penguins!!!
This monkey was loving the attention!
This guy was climbing all over the place.
Lilly loved the goats!
the famous fish!

Braxton & Lilly are in charge of the world!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

So Pretty!

Lilly decided to play with my lip gloss the other night. I usually keep all of my make-up in the cabinet, but my lip gloss was still in the drawer. This is what I found when I came looking for her! SO PRETTY! She was so proud of herself too!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

It's Soccer Time~Finally!

Today was Braxton's first day of soccer! The weather was perfect, although the grass was a little wet. There were probably 75 parents and other family members milling around. Even grandma Virginia came to watch!! When it was time to start, they broke them into teams of 7-10. Once they were in their teams, they did some fundamentals. They dribbled the ball, the stopped and put the head, hand, elbow, whatever the coach called out, on the ball. It was pretty cute to watch. Then they played a game where they dribbled the ball down the field and the coach tried to kick it away from them. if the coach kicked it, then that player became a lion (or wolf or bulldog, it changed each time) with the coach and tried to kick the ball from the other players. the last player with the ball won! It was pretty cute, but Braxton has absolutely NO urgency. he was always the last player to the other side. He sort of walked and kicked a little bit. Not fast at all. but since he loved being a wolf, it was okay!

Lilly on the other hand was all over the place. She ran up a hill probably 9 times and then ran back down it. Somewhere along the line she must have ran into a sticker patch. she had stickers all over the bottom of her pants. After soccer we killed a little time before karate. braxton did GREAT at karate, and even got to be one of the leaders for warmup. he did a great job!
the battery died in our camera, so I only got a few pictures of soccer. Our new camera will be back before next weeks soccer clinic, so hopefully we will have better pictures!
Happy Fall Everyone!

All of the parents and players getting ready to start.
waiting for the coaches to tell them what to do.


Put your head on the ball!

Now your elbow!!!
Dribble Dribble Dribble!


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Halloween Decision Made!

well, we knew what Lilly was going to be, but Braxton has had a harder time deciding. He has finally decided (for now) to be a chef! he wants a name tag that says 'Chef Braxton'! Lilly is not so fond of her halloween costumer, hopefully in a month she will be!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

It Was Almost Soccer Time...Darn Rain

Well, today was supposed to be Braxton's first day of soccer. It had rained all night, so I called the cancellation/postpone number and the message said that they would decide at 7:45. So we tried to call back and it took us almost 15 minutes to get through. In that time, braxton went ahead and got dressed, if soccer was on, we were going to have to leave NOW. We finally got through, and it was cancelled. Braxton was SO bummed! This means that the season will end on October 11th instead of the 4th, so he was OK with that.
Since we were already up and around we decided to run to the halloween store. We already have Lilly's witch costume (so cute from children's place!) but braxton cannot decide what he wants to be. Sometimes it is a chef, sometimes a fireman, today it was Thomas the train or Handy Manny. We didn't decide today, i'm sure he'll change his minds 100 times before October!

This afternoon/evening was my company picnic. It was a lot of fun! They had a bouncy house for the kids and served Famous Daves! Yummy! Then we all watched the game on the big screens in the building. We stayed through halftime, but the kids were pretty worn out from jumping! here are some pictures!

Lilly & a friend, they were chasing grasshoppers!Lilly smashed up against the netting!Lilly was trying to help Gavin jump!Braxton decided he was the photographer, this is his self portrait!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Last weekend we went "hiking" at the marsh north of our house. it was really pretty, but a little scary. it is very remote and you can't see the road from the hike. It was weird. we saw LOTS of sunflowers, and lots of frogs!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Lazy Labor Day Weekend!

This past weekend was one of the most wonderfully lazy weekends we have had in a LONG time. Which is good because the next few weeks are going to be crazy! Friday night we made dinner and played outside, it was a nice night for it!
Saturday Chad and I debated going to back to Alliance. We usually do when we have a 3 day weekend. We ultimately decided not too, good thing too, Grandma & Grandpa Laverty were up winning big in Deadwood! So instead we decided to do some 'deep cleaning'. Chad cleaned the garage and moved the deep freeze downstairs. that should make it a LOT easier to get to. In the garage things just got piled on top or in front of it making it really hard to get to. I decided to super scrub the bathrooms, which turned into a trip to Menards! When we came home we played outside and watched some TV, it was so nice and relaxing. We listened to the game on the radio, but Braxton REALLY wanted to go. He didn't understand why we couldn't just go buy tickets at the window like we did for the shrine bowl game!
The rest of the weekend we really didn't do much, played outside and watched Phineas and Ferb on Disney. This show is pretty hilarious! Even for adults.
Monday Braxton went swimming at Grandma's while chad worked on the bathroom. (no it isn't finished yet...)
Braxton got his soccer schedule, he will be playing at 9am on Saturdays. Starting the 13th, we will have soccer at 9, and karate at 11. He will be one tired boy!
That's all for our lazy weekend! Hope it was great for everyone!