Monday, February 22, 2010


This month has been miserable in the Dalton household. I think we have all been sick at one time or another. It all started one Sunday afternoon when Lilly started crying that her ear hurt and wanted the pink medicine in the fridge. that's how we knew she was sick. Chad took her to the doctor and lo and behold she had a double ear infection and bronchitis. Round 1 antibiotics for Lilly. Wednesday of the same week, Braxton got sent home from school with an eye infection. It wasn't pink eye, but the same cold virus had moved into his eye. Ear infection and eye infection. Round 2 antibiotics. Sunday I finally decided that I had had enough and had my mom take me to the doctor. Diagnosis: Ear Infection, Eye Infection, and Sinus Infection. Round 3 antibiotics. Chad never went to the doctor, but has had the cough and stuffy nose just like the rest of us. We have gone through a lot of nyquil at our house! The next week it seemed that everybody might be on the mend.
However, while sitting in our Friday meeting at work, school called. Braxton had thrown up at school, on a little girl. He felt so horrible! I took him home and he was sick the rest of the day. We spent the weekend quarantined and he seemed fine all weekend. Chad and Braxton had Monday off for President's Day. Braxton was fine all day, then he threw up again Monday night. Another day home from school on Tuesday. Here it is the next week and I think we are *knock on wood* on the mend. Let's hope so, Braxton's birthday party is in less than 2 weeks, and I want him to be 100% for his party!

A New Decade!

It finally happened. I turned 30. After my birthday last year, I said that I was no longer going to celebrate birthday's, only anniveraries of my 29th birthday. It was really hard for me to turn 30. It just didn't seem right that I was 30. It seems like I just turned 21. But then I look around and see my beautiful kids, one of which is turning 6 in march and I realize that it is true. I am actually 30. I am not the type of person that had a "list" of things I wanted to accomplish before I turned 30, but it was still a weird feeling.
As it turned out, I had a wonderful birthday. I came home from work to find that my parents had driven from Alliance to surprise me! How wonderful! Of course, I was sick though. I have always been sick on my birthday for as long as I can remember! We had a great weekend though. We went to Olive Garden for a yummy lunch and my parents bought be a beautiful new outfit! Afterwards we made some yummy dinner and hung out at home. Sunday I woke up and knew that I needed to go to the doctor. My mom took me and yes, the doctor looked at me funny! Turns out I had an eye infection, sinus infection, and ear infection. Just par for the birthday course! I came home and took a nap while my mom made the yummiest seafood lasagna! Afterwards we watched an awesome super bowl! Monday my parents headed home and it was back to normal. I was so excited to spend the last days of my 29th year with my parents, it was wonderful!
On the day of my birthday, I got to open presents from Chad and the kids! I got an awesome new crockpot, tea maker, and some new perfume! It was such a great birthday! I guess a new decade isn't all that bad. :)

Lilly & Papa Mike

For a long time, Lilly was kind of afraid of Papa Mike. We aren't sure why, but I suspect the beard! They made a surprise trip to Lincoln for my birthday and I caught a rare but wonderful site! Lilly and Papa having fun together!

Fancy Drink Night!

Braxton and Lilly decided that fancy glasses make everything more fun! We decided to have a super special dinner with candles and wine glasses. Of course, the kids were drinking iced tea out of the glasses, but it was so much fun!

Baking Day!

Since it has been so cold and snow, we decided to stay inside one Saturday and bake. Braxton had received a pretzel mix and a sugar cookie mix for Christmas so we decided to give them a try!
Flour Fight!

Lilly's making pretzels!

Braxton ready to bake!

Braxton & Lilly putting the cookies on the pan!

Gotta taste the dough!

The finished product! Pretzels anyway! They were delish!

Trip to the State Capital

In January, we decided to spend the day at the State Capital. If you have never been there, it is fascinating! We got there in time for a tour. We got to sit in the Supreme Court and learn a lot of interesting facts about how it works. All of the artwork in the capital is designed to show something in Nebraska. Lilly was fascinated by the tile work that showed all of the fossils that have been found in Nebraska. We talked about how they used the railroad on a special set of tracks to bring all of the marble. The doorhandles are all shaped like corn cobs. It really is interesting. Braxton was interested in what all of the busts represented. He especially liked the one of Buffalo Bill. After the tour we took the elevator up to the observatory deck. The outside areas were all closed because of the snow, but it was still a very interesting view!

Unfortunately, we didn't really get any pictures, we were too busy soaking it all in!

In Our Spare Time

We take apart computers, take pictures, and put them back together again.

We are such nerds!

Still Here!

We have had a very cold and drab winter! We are still here, but just staying inside trying to stay warm! Here is a few pictures of the kids trying to dig out the backyard!