Wow, it has been a busy week at the Dalton house.
Last saturday we were going to take the kids downtown to a special showing of Madagascar. Luck for us, a guy in the parking garage let us know that it was sold out before we walked all the way down there in the bitter cold! Then we decided to go to the Children's Museum instead. The kids LOVE that place. it is great to burn off energy. After the museum we decided to drive to omaha and buy a new TV. Nebraska Furniture Mart was PACKED! and almost every other TV was sold out. Getting ready for the big game I guess.
On Tuesday the kids had their first ever dental appointment. It went so great! Lilly opened her mouth right up and let the doctor count her teeth and brush them. I was so glad, she hates to have her teeth brushed at home. Braxton really wanted an orange toothbrush (orange is his favorite color this week). He ended up with an orange Cars toothbrush. It couldn't have been any better! Thanks Gina for the suggestion of North Star Dental...they are awesome!
Wednesday night Lilly got her hair cut while Braxton was at karate. It is so convenient that they are right next to each other! She was starting to look a little shaggy! now she is back to her cute self.
It has also been a week to work with braxton. his teacher indicated that he has a little problem with sarcasm at school. Now I have no idea where he would have gotten that from =) but we have been working with him on it. He has gotten great reports from his teacher this week!
we hope everyone has a great weekend! it is supposed to be 51 here today, and the kids can't wait to take their bikes outside for the first time!